Current Courses

Georgian Lexicology
The academic content of the course focuses not only on theoretical definitions, but also on practical exercises for each topic. The course is subdivided into Lexicology and Lexicography.
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Introduction to Computational Linguistics
The aim of this course is to introduce the core methods and problems in computational linguistics and to focus on the morphological analysis of languages with concatenative morphology by means of finite state tools.
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Syntactic Theory and Generative Grammar
The aim of the course is to characterize main syntactic theories and to discuss their application to Georgian syntax.
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Language and Technologies
The aim of the course is to introduce the technologies necessary for the analysis of linguistic data (phonetics, morphology and syntax) Praat, ToolBox, ELAN etc.
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Translation and Translation Technologies
Translation technologies constitute an important field in interdisciplinary approach to translation studies. The aim of the course is to provide thorough analysis of tools applicable to the translation process like corpora, CAT and project management tools.
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The course gives an overview of linguistic research areas such as phonetics, semantics and morphosyntax and semantics paying attention to the difference between a prescreptive and a descriptive view on linguistic phenomena.
The course is focused on the development of practical skills with regards to the documentation of an unfamiliar language. The aim of the course is to get a basic understanding of the grammar by eliciting, recording and transcribing of linguistic data.
The academic content of the course includes information on the grammar of Old Georgian language starting with different kind of scripts and finishing with its morphosyntactic structure.
This course gives an overview of language corpora as a resourse for linguistic studies and presents existing Georgian-language corpora available online and tools needed for their compilation offline.
The course covers quantitative and qualitative methods for conducting small-scale language project focusing on the investigation of endangered languages available on the territory of Georgia.
Additional Materials
Additional Materials may be a) distributed in class, b) placed on reserve in the University's library, and, c) posted on the web.